Also known as the Standing Barbell Military Press, some consider this exercise a superior upper-body exercise than the Barbell Bench Press since it engages more muscles, in particular the core muscles, as well as many of your lower body muscles to provide balance and support. This exercise is ideal for building boulder-like shoulders as well as developing your chest.
Skill Level: Beginner
Training: Strength
Type: Compound
Force: Push
Equipment: Barbell
1° Muscles: Anterior Deltoid
2° Muscles: Upper Pectoral Muscles, Lateral Deltoids, Mid & Lower Trapezius, Triceps, Serratus Anterior
- Set an empty barbell at chest height on a squat rack, and load an appropriate weight.
- Grab the barbell with a pronated grip (palms facing forward) with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
- Step under the bar by slightly bend your knees, and contact the bar with your upper chest roughly at the level of your collar bone.
- Unrack the bar by straightening your legs.
- Take a step back from the rack and place your feet shoulder-width apart.
- Hold the bar in a comfortable region between your chin and upper chest.
- Stand tall (neutral spine, chest up and chin up) with a tight core.
- Inhale.
- Holding your head slightly back to allow passage of the bar, exhale as you press it overhead until your elbows are completely locked out.
- Pause at the top of the lift.
- Inhale as you lower the bar back down to your collar bone.
- Repeat for the prescribed number of reps and sets.
- Avoid hyperextending at your lower back.
- Maintain a tight core tight throughout the entire exercise.
- Ensure you press straight above your head, do not allow it to drift out in front or behind your body.
- If you suffer from lower back problems perform this exercise in the seated position.
- Perform this exercise using a split stance (one foot in front of the other) to reduce stress on your lower back.
- This exercise can be performed with the barbell behind your neck, but a greater degree of shoulder mobility and flexibility is required. As such this variation is not recommended for individuals with shoulder problems.
- Smith Machine Overhead Press
- Swiss Ball Dumbbell Shoulder Press
- Dumbbell Shoulder Press