If you’re looking to challenge your Glutes and Hamstrings this exercise is second to none. More traditionally performed using a Swiss Ball where you would fight stability from the ground up, this variation introduces imbalance from above to provide a different kind of challenge, particularly for your hamstrings.
Skill Level: Intermediate
Training: Strength
Type: Compound
Force: Pull
Equipment: Suspension Trainer
1° Muscles: Glutes, Hip Flexors, Hamstrings, Quadriceps
2° Muscles: Abdominals, Calves
- Adjust the suspension trainer so that its stirrups are suspended a few inches above the floor.
- Sit facing the suspension trainer and place your heels into the stirrups ensuring that they are secure.
- Lie supine (facing up) with your hands to your sides.
- Using your core and glutes draw your body up into a plank position so that your body aligns from your heels to your shoulders.
- Inhale as you slowly pull your heels towards your glutes by driving your hips up and bending your knees.
- Continue to pull your heels towards your glutes until they touch your butt, you have lifted your hips as high as possible, or you are unable to maintain a tight stable core.
- Exhale as you slowly return to the start position by extending your legs whilst still focusing on maintaining a tight stable core to complete one rep.
- Repeat for the prescribed number of sets and reps.
- Perform the entire range of motion in a slow control fashion.
- As you pull your heels towards your glutes do not bend at the waist.
- Avoid allowing your hips to drop.
- Keep your core contracted for the entire exercise.
- Use your arms to help maintain balance, spread them out as much as necessary to provide extra stability.
- Swiss Ball Hamstring Curl
- Single-Leg Hip Extension
- Dumbbell Leg Curl
- Barbell Stiff Leg Deadlift
- Barbell Sumo Deadlift
- Floor Hamstring Raise