The Side Lunge (aka Lateral Lunge) is one of many varieties of the Lunge, which is a fundamental strength training exercise that helps develop strength in your leg muscles. The sidestep of this variant places greater emphasis on mobility and flexibility of the hips when compared to the basic Lunge.

Skill Level: Beginner-Intermediate

Training: Strength, Mobilization, Warm-Up

Type: Compound

Force: Push

Equipment: None

1° Muscles: Quadriceps

2° Muscles: Calves (Gastrocnemius, Soleus), Gluteals, Hamstrings, Hip Adductors

  1. Stand tall (neutral spine, chest up, chin up) with feet shoulder-width apart and toes facing forward.
  2. Place your hands on your hips.
  1. Take a wide step to the left shifting your weight onto the left leg.
  2. Inhale as you lower your body bending the left knee and pushing your hips back to lunge to the left until your left thigh is parallel to the floor.
  3. Extend your right leg as you lunge to the left, keeping its sole planted on the floor.
  4. Exhale as you raise your body back to the start position by pushing through the outer side of your left foot.
  5. Repeat, lunging to the right to complete one rep.
  6. Repeat for the prescribed number of reps and sets.
  1. Descend deep enough into the lunge so that a mild stretch is felt along the inner thigh (groin) of your extended leg.
  2. Avoid leaning forward as you push your hips back.
  3. Keep your chest up.
  4. As you raise your body, drive through the entire length of the stepping leg; avoid just pushing with your toes.
  • Perform this exercise by completing the prescribed number of reps on the same leg before swapping over to the other.
  • Sliding Lateral Lunge
  • Barbell Lateral Step-Up
  • Barbell Side Lunge

