The Dumbbell Pullover is a great exercise that uses a novel range of motion to hit a number of upper body muscles at the same time. When performed properly, this lift hits the bottom of your Pectorals, Upper Abs, Lats, and Triceps in a very unique way. As such, this lift is unusual for an isolation exercise in that it is able to target two large muscle groups, namely your chest and back, together. 

Skill Level: Intermediate

Training: Strength

Type: Isolation

Force: Pull

Equipment: Flat Bench, Dumbbell

1° Muscles: Pectorals 

2° Muscles: Latissimus Dorsi, Posterior Deltoids, Triceps, Serratus Anterior

  1. Ensure the plates of the dumbbell are secure, then place it, standing on its end, at the top of a flat bench.
  2. Lie perpendicular to the bench, so that your torso and bench form a cross, with only your shoulders supporting it, and your feet firmly planted on the floor shoulder-width apart.
  3. Hang your head and neck over the edge of the bench.
  4. Hold your hips slightly lower than your shoulders.
  5. Reach for the dumbbell and suspend it over your chest by crossing your hands over each other to create a diamond shape between your thumbs and forefingers so that both palms press against the underside of the uppermost plate.
  6. Extend both arms, keeping a 10-15 degree bend in your elbows.
  1. Maintaining the 10-15 degree angle in your elbows throughout, inhale as you slowly and smoothly lower the dumbbell in an arc behind your head until your upper arms are parallel to the floor and a mild stretch is felt in your lower chest and Lats.
  2. Exhale as you use your chest and Lats to pull the dumbbell back over your chest following the same arc through which it was lowered.
  3. Repeat for the prescribed number of reps and sets.
  1. If you are new to this lift have a spotter hand you the weight once you have positioned your torso on the bench and start with a light load to allow you to practice good form and control.
  2. Ensure the dumbbell is in perfect working order, and that plates are secure.
  3. Keep your feet firmly on the floor and shoulders firmly on the bench for the entire range of motion to reduce the likelihood of lower back injury.
  4. Don’t rush this exercise, otherwise, you will not fully recruit all of the muscle fibers.
  5. Focus on achieving a proper stretch at the top of the lift.
  6. Keep your elbows in to emphasize your pectorals and minimize the risk of shoulder injury.
  7. Keep your hips stationary throughout the entire range of motion to properly engage your pectorals and Lats.
  8. Do not jerk the weight when initiating the concentric phase (lifting phase). This can lead to injury and takes the resistance off the target muscles thereby reducing the overall effectiveness of the exercise.
  • Cable Pulldown

