The Cat stretch mimics the type of movement a cat makes when waking up from a nap, and is an ideal warm-up or cooldown movement to prepare your body for your workout or to promote recovery respectively. For most, it is an accessible backbend that mobilizes and stretches your spine, hips, and abdomen, which is ideal for promoting good posture and optimal spine health.

Skill Level: Beginner

Training: Static Stretching

Type: Compound

Force: Pull

Equipment: Exercise Mat (Optional)

1° Muscles: Lower Back

2° Muscles: Middle Back, Trapezius

  1. Assume the box position by positioning yourself on all fours with your hands immediately under your shoulders and your knees shoulder-width apart immediately under your hips.
  1. Pull your stomach in.
  2. Round your spine, lower back, shoulders, and neck until a mild stretch is felt along your entire back.
  3. Hold for 20-30 seconds.
  4. (Optional) Relax and repeat for the prescribed number of reps.
  1. Allow your head to drop as you round your back, so ensure the mild stretch extends to your neck.
  • Cross-Body Back Stretch
  • Standing Knee To Chest
  • Knee Across The Body
  • Upper Back Stretch

